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For the MIND:
Book: Healing
Book: Herbs

For the BODY:
Terrain Testing
Silver Bullet   Remedy
Candida Protocol

For the SPIRIT:
Rainbow Circle










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NOTE: To Prevent Tissue Wasting - It is important to to eat protein once per hour to be converted in liver on a consistent basis to supply "body owned" (not yeast owned) blood sugar. Can be balanced with non-starchy vegetables.

A. The yeast grows on sugar and starch and is fed by gluten-containing grains. Gluten grains include wheat, oats, rye and barley.

  1. Do not eat sugar or sweets. This includes products made with honey or molasses, as well as sugar.
  2. Do not eat wheat, oats, rye or barley, corn, rice, potatoes, buckwheat and millet. Exclude all of these starchy foods from the diet.
  3. Milk (even raw) encourages Candida growth. Avoid milk products except butter.

B. Yeast, molds and fungi cross-react. When taken in food or even breathed in high concentrations, they trigger symptoms and diminish the body's resistance to Candida. Bathrooms and air vents should be kept clean and dry. Yeast, mold and fungus should be minimized in foods.


  1. Yeast used in food preparation and flavoring:
    1. Commercial breads, rolls, coffee cakes, pastries, etc.
    2. Beer, wine, and all alcoholic beverages, and all soft drinks -- cola or non cola
    3. Cream, commercial soups, potato chips
    4. Vinegar and vinegar-containing foods, such as pickled vegetables, sauerkraut, relishes, and salad dressing. Lemon joice with oil may be used as a salad dressing
    5. Cider and naural root beer 
  2. Yeast is the basis for many vitamin and mineral preparations. Tryptophan is often derived from yeast.
  3. Molds build up on foods and sugar. The following needs to be avoided:
    1. Fresh and dried fruits such as prunes, raisins, dates, figs, citrus peels, candied cherries, currants, peaches, apples, and apricots.
    2. All dairy products including cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream, buttermilk, and milk.
    3. Chocolate, honey, and maple syrup are sugars which accumulate mold and should not be eaten.
  4. Melons (especially cantaloupe) and the skins of fleshy fruits accumulate mold during growth.
  5. Avoid fresh, canned (bottled) or frozen citrus, grape or other fruit juice.
  6. Mushrooms are fungi. Do not eat them.

C. Eating fruit will boost blood sugar levels and encourage yeast growth. Fruits and fruit juices must be temporarily omitted for 3 months from the diet.


  1. PROTEINS: Fish, chicken, turkey, duck, seafood, eggs, pheasant, quail, lamb, veal. In other words, animals if the meat is fresh instead of dried, smoked, pickled or cured.
  2. VEGETABLES: All vegetables are potentially acceptable. Only starchy ones such as potatoes and sweet potatoes must be avoided.
  3. DRINK: Teas sweetened with stevia, licorice root, vegetable juices (no carrot or beet), sparkling water and mineral water.


Yes! Just order carefully. Skip the cocktail. Have oil and lemon joice on your salad. Order meat, chicken, or other animal protein that is prepared without sauces which might contain sugar, mushrooms, wheat as a thickener, and other harmful ingredients. Broiled or plain items are obviously the safest choice. Lightly steamed vegetables are perfect! Skip bread, crackers, and dessert.

Next: Outline of 90-day Candida Protocol




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