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For the MIND:
Book: Healing
Book: Herbs

For the BODY:
Terrain Testing
Silver Bullet   Remedy

For the SPIRIT:
Rainbow Circle









This store contains:

Dr Richman’s Silver Bullet Remedy

Dr.’s Combo #1 Formula: Water, Aloe Vera, Glycerin, Symbiox, Oxygen Electrolyte, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Pau d’ Arco, Goldenseal. Cruelty Free, All Natural.

Excellent results! We have many testimonials!

4 of the top natural antibiotics and anti-inflammatory, cancer preventative agents combine to make this the #1 product for most illnesses. Great for the immediate relief of the onset of the common cold symptoms such as sore throat, sinuses, congestion, stomach and joint aches.
Available by the bottle or by the case - order yours NOW!

Usage: Spray on affected areas, as needed, 4x a day.

Contains: Water, Aloe Vera, Glycerin, Symbiox, Oxygen Electrolyte, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Pau d’ Arco, Goldenseal, Cruelty Free, All Natural  

DISCLAIMER: The ideas, procedures, suggestions and products contained in this storefront are not intended to replace services of a trained health professional. We recommend all matters regarding your health have medical supervision. It may be helpful to consult your physician before adopting these experimental, research orientated procedures and/or products. Any applications chosen as a result of the set forth ideas, procedures, suggestions and/or products are at the reader’s discretion and therefore, we do not accept any responsibility for any and all, even though possible, temporary reactions that most commonly are due to a cleansing response.




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